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The 165th Anniversary Convention

July 15, 2021 - July 18, 2021

Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s 165th Anniversary Convention is the largest business meeting of the organization and will take place in Des Moines Iowa on July 15 – 18. More than 400 delegates that represent chapters and alumni associations in good standing vote upon board candidates and proposals for the Fraternity Laws. Although each chapter and alumni association gets only one vote and may only designate one main delegate, groups may elect to send multiple delegates.
We will be in-person for the 165th Anniversary Convention. The Supreme Council and Fraternity Service Center staff will continue to monitor COVID-19 guidelines in the lead-up to this summer’s event. Chapters that do not send at least one delegate to convention are fined $1,500 for non-representation as per Fraternity Laws.


Regular Registration:
April 1 – April 30, 2021 at 11:59 PM Central – $425 for undergraduate members, $525 for alumni members.

Late Registration:
May 1 – May 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM Central – $475 for undergraduate members, $550 for alumni members.

Colony Members/Guests:
April 1 – May 31, 2021 – $350

NOTE: Registration closes on May 31, 2021, at 11:59 PM Central. Registration will not be available at the Convention site for undergraduates, alumni, or guests. Please plan accordingly.

HOTEL & Travel

You may book your room at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown Here or call 800-228-9290 or 515-245-5500 and say you are with the Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2021 in order to book your room. To book multiple rooms online, you must repeat the registration process. This is a function of the hotel’s website. If the website does not work for you, please call the number listed above.

The hotel block closes on May 31, 2021. After that time, reservations and rates are subject to availability. Attendees are responsible for booking their own hotel rooms. You are not required to stay in the Convention hotel. The rate per night per room is $155 before tax. It is roughly $174 per room per night after tax.

Fly: The preferred and closest airport to our convention hotel is Des Moines International Airport (DSM). Upon arrival, call 515-245-5500 for the hotel shuttle.

Drive: You may drive and park at the hotel. Off-site parking is available at a rate of $10 daily for self-park, $26 daily for valet. Oversized vehicles valet parked for $36.00. The hotel garage height list is 6’3”; Short term parking $14 up to 8hrs.

Note: Please be sure to note the hotel’s cancellation/change policy for reservations, as the national headquarters is not responsible for individual hotel reservations or fees. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We are sorry, but if the block fills, you are on your own for your accommodations.


We are pleased to announce that The Phi Alpha is now available. This is the official 2021 Convention guide, and it is available as a downloadable pdf here. In an effort to be more environmentally friendly, we will only be printing a limited number of The Phi Alpha for Convention, and those will be available upon request, on a first-come, first-served basis.


The Convention begins at 9:00 AM, July 16, with the opening Plenary Session (Welcome). All delegates should plan to arrive prior to that time to check-in. The schedule of events for the convention is available HERE
More info about the guest program to follow.


Exhibiting and vending opportunities are available for our convention, and exhibitors may take advantage of our special room rate, subject to availability. If you wish to reserve a table at our convention, please complete the following registration form here.


Every chapter is required by Fraternity Laws to send at least one delegate. If a chapter registers more than one person, only one person can be designated as the voting delegate. Any other(s) will be considered an alternate delegate.

To register, you must login to your MySAE Account. Payment is due at the time of registration. Please note that registration closes on May 31 at 11:59 p.m. Central, and there is no on-site registration.

The following is included in your registration fee:

● Your registration materials
● Lunch Friday
Smash Park and Dinner Friday evening
● Lunch Saturday
● Dinner Saturday

Cancellations will be accepted with refunds until May 31, 2021. In order to cancel, the person must login through their MySAE account and submit a change request, indicating their desire to cancel.

There will be a substitution fee of $100 for any substitutions made to any registrants. Substitutions will be accepted until May 31, 2021. In order to substitute, the person must login through their MySAE Account and submit a change request, indicating the person that will be replacing them at the program.

As defined in our Fraternity Laws, a delegate from each chapter, as well as Past Eminent Supreme Archons and Province Archons, will receive a proportional mileage allowance for the distance he travels in relation to the total distance traveled by all delegates. The calculation is based on Google Maps® to determine one-way mileage from the city in which the group or person is located to the Des Moines Downtown Marriott. The mileage-fund reimbursement for this year’s convention is 18 cents per mile for one way only.

Alumni associations, colony members, guests, and spouses are not eligible for mileage-fund reimbursement.
The mileage chart is available Here

As per Fraternity Laws, chapters, colonies, and alumni associations must file and submit copies of Form 990 as required by the IRS. Groups with less than $50,000 of gross receipts that qualify to file a 990-N return must provide a copy of the confirmation of completion received from the IRS. If your group’s exempt status has already been “revoked,” proof of progress and a planned timeline toward reinstatement must be submitted. Failure to file with the IRS can result in late fees and penalties and can put your exempt status in jeopardy. For additional information, please visit

If the Form 990 process is new to you, and you cannot work through it yourself or call upon your tax adviser, please call or e-mail Dan Stanczak, Senior Director of Business Operations, at (847) 424-3005 or at

Submissions to fulfill the Fraternity Laws requirement can be made electronically to Dan Stanczak using the e-mail address listed above or by traditional mail to his attention at 1856 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60201. Alumni associations that do not maintain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and operate out-of-pocket for activities will not be able to file a 990. Without the ability to file a 990, any such alumni associations will need to directly petition the Convention Credentialing Committee on-site at the convention for the right to vote. To file your petition, please visit HERE.

For a chapter, the member must be a collegiate member in good standing from the corresponding chapter. For an alumni association, they must be a member in good standing, be a member of the alumni association, and if it is an area alumni association, and live within that area. For full details, please see the credentialing requirements Here or contact Spencer Long at 847-424-3010.

The Host Committee has partnered with Catch Des Moines, the Greater Des Moines Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Des Moines Area Sports Commission, to provide a great experience while at Convention. You can learn more about Things To Do, Restaurants, and other Visitor Information by visiting

Friday Night the Host committee is excited to offer an evening of fun and fellowship at Smash Park. Bus transportation will be provided to and from the event and dinner will be provided in a reserve portion of the facility.

Voting delegates who attend the convention must be cleared through credentials before voting privileges can be extended. The requirements for each voting delegate are available HERE .
Below are some helpful links relating to credentialing:
Eminent Archon Report
Alumni Association Annual Report
Province Archon Report

All convention sessions and settings require business/badge attired (coat and tie). The closing banquet on Saturday is black tie optional. Women who attend the closing banquet should plan to wear formal evening attire.


July 15, 2021
July 18, 2021
Event Category:


Des Moines Marriott Downtown | 700 Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50309
700 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50309 United States
+ Google Map