Home Resources Awards & Recognition Fraternity Awards Competition

Fraternity Awards Competition

SAE’s annual awards program for chapters, individuals, House Corporations, Advisory Boards, and Alumni Associations is designed to provide our members with greater recognition for our chapters’ hard work. All chapter, individual, Alumni Association, Advisory Board, and House Corporation award applications and their criteria are listed below.

Applications for the 2023-2023 Fraternity Awards Competition are now closed.

Why Apply?

In addition to gaining recognition throughout the realm and being rewarded for your chapter’s hard work, there are 

  • Recruitment Material – Showing potential new members the recognition you’ve received and the hard work your chapter has put in serves as a positive reason for them to join. It could also differentiate your chapter from other organizations on your campus and make you stand out. 
  • Alumni Engagement – When alumni from your chapter see you working hard and being recognized for that work, they may feel more inclined to give their time, talent, and/or treasure back to the chapter. 
  • Monetary Incentives – Some awards include a scholarship component for the winning chapter or individual. 
  • University Relations – Receiving recognition from Sigma Alpha Epsilon can help improve relations with your campus fraternity/sorority life professionals, other university staff, and community members. This can give your campus confidence in your Chapter and others may want to partner with and support your Chapter because of its hard work and recognition.


Some awards require nominations, while others do not. For a Chapter to be considered for the Zeal, Chapter Achievement, Emerging Chapter of the Year, and Most Improved Chapter awards they must receive a nomination from either their Province Archon or a Chapter Services Team Member. Nominations are to be submitted using the form available HERE. The deadline for nomination submissions is March 30, 2024.

Chapters will be notified of the awards for which they were nominated via an email to the Eminent Archon and Advisor. Make sure those contacts are updated on The SAE Portal so the email goes to the correct individuals. The email will include a link to the Chapter Awards Application, which will consist of several short-answer questions for chapters to complete and submit. In addition, chapters may apply for any individual topic award without a nomination from the Province Archon or Chapter Services Team Member. All submissions will be reviewed by the awards committee.

Chapters will be required to upload supporting materials as part of their application. Submissions must be brief and either supplement or enhance answers to award questions. Examples include, but are not limited to, letters of recommendation, news articles, and written plans or programs. Examples of materials that will not be considered include numerous photos, additional essays about why the chapter should receive the award, or additional letters of recommendation outside of those that are required. If there are no boxes to upload materials, supporting materials are not permitted as part of that application.

All awards application submissions will be handled through our online application system. This will require an email login, which you create when applying. We strongly encourage chapters to use the same email address for all submissions. This will allow the basic information (chapter name, contact information, etc.) to automatically fill in the next application you are completing. Individual awards and alumni awards also require an email login, which you create when applying. Submissions in these categories may come from different email logins. For helpful information on applying for chapter awards, view this FAQ Handout.

The applications for the John O. Moseley Award for Fraternity Zeal and the Chapter Achievement Award are long. This is because applicants are required to submit materials and applications for all of the individual topic awards, in addition to the questions for Zeal and/or Chapter Achievement. To earn these awards, chapters must show that they go above and beyond the average chapter when it comes to operations and functional areas.

Award winners will be announced over the summer and via The Record Online.

Individual Awards

This award, established in 1924 by Edwin E. Besser Jr. and J. Frank Lindsey, recognizes a member of SAE who has excelled in multiple areas of college life — on the athletic field, in the classroom, and in campus organizations.

Criteria: A chapter may nominate as many individuals that meet the following four qualifications:
  • Maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average
  • Participate on a collegiate sports team above the intramural level
  • Have held chapter and/or campus leadership positions
  • Be a senior in academic standing
NOTE: A copy of the candidate’s academic transcript must be uploaded. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.

The Ken Tracey Award & Scholarship for Interfraternal Leadership was established in 2013 to honor past Eminent Supreme Archon Ken Tracey (Eastern New Mexico ’70) for his service and lifetime commitment, not only to Sigma Alpha Epsilon, but to the fraternity/sorority world. The award recognizes a collegiate member involved in their Fraternity/Sorority community who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to promote and enhance the system. Each candidate should display a sincere desire for the strongest of interfraternal relations between all fraternities and sororities. The $1,000 scholarship is earmarked for undergraduate tuition for the next academic year.

Criteria: Any undergraduate chapter member may be nominated and apply if they meet the following qualifications:

  • Must have been a member of an undergraduate chapter during the current academic year (2023-2024)
  • Must be a member in good-standing

M. Todd Buchanan (Southern Mississippi ’90) established the Recruitment Chairman Award & Scholarship in 2006 to recognize SAE’s most outstanding undergraduate Recruitment Chairman each year. Each candidate should display an unwavering commitment to improving their chapter’s recruitment efforts and organizing the entire chapter to take part in that effort. The candidate should demonstrate their success by showing that their chapter set and reached a goal for new members during the current academic year. Furthermore, the candidate’s leadership should result in overall membership gains for their chapter. The $1,000 scholarship is earmarked for undergraduate tuition for the next academic year.

Criteria: Any Recruitment Chairman may apply if they meet the following three qualifications:

  • Served as Recruitment Chairman during the past academic year (2023-2024)
  • Must be a member in good standing

The Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award recognizes chapter and emerging chapter advisors who demonstrate peer leadership and who excel in serving as a role model and mentor. Applicants should be well-versed in their respective groups’ overall activities, providing guidance and making sure collegiate members uphold the Fraternity’s policies and procedures.

Criteria: A Chapter/Emerging Chapter Advisor may be nominated and apply if they meet the following three qualifications:

  • Served as chapter advisor during the current academic year (2023-2024)
  • Is nominated by a member of the group they served, an alumni advisor, or a Province Archon (self-nominations will not be accepted)
  • Must have gone above and beyond the call of duty as chapter advisor

The Outstanding Eminent Archon Award recognizes chapter and emerging chapter presidents who excel in their leadership as the head of their respective groups. Applicants should possess dynamic personalities, good communication skills with members and external audiences, and an ability to exceed core operational areas and meet goals.

In turn, applicants for the Outstanding Eminent Archon Award will automatically be considered for the Bradley M. Cohen Eminent Archon of the Year Award & Scholarship. The successful candidate will demonstrate service to their chapter and Sigma Alpha Epsilon above and beyond the call of duty, having made measurable improvements in the welfare, culture, and spirit of the chapter. The winner will receive a $1,500 scholarship, endowed by Bradley M. Cohen (Arizona ’85) and earmarked for undergraduate tuition for the next academic year.

Criteria: An Eminent Archon may be nominated and apply if they meet the following three qualifications:

  • Served as Eminent Archon during the current academic year (2023-2024)
  • Is nominated by a member of the chapter they served, an alumni advisor, or a Province Archon (self-nominations will not be accepted)
  • Must have made a difference in the overall welfare, culture, and spirit of the chapter

The Outstanding Eminent Treasurer Award recognizes chapter and emerging chapter treasurers who demonstrate proficiency and leadership in financial oversight and budgeting. Applicants should excel at managing a budget, collecting revenue, paying expenses, and providing oversight to ensure the group’s financial stability.

Criteria: An Eminent Treasurer may be nominated and apply if they meet the following three qualifications:

  • Served as Eminent Treasurer during the current academic year (2023-2024)
  • Is nominated by a member of the group they served, an alumni advisor, or Province Archon (Self nominations will not be accepted)
  • Must have gone above and beyond the call of duty as Eminent Treasurer

The True Gentleman of the Year Award is the highest honor the Fraternity can bestow upon a collegiate member. The award, first given in 2000, is presented annually to a collegiate who has been determined to be the most outstanding in Sigma Alpha Epsilon, considering scholastic achievement, fraternity involvement, university leadership, and community service. Each chapter in good standing is encouraged to nominate a member deserving of this honor.

The True Gentleman of the Year Award recipient will receive a $5,000 scholarship award, endowed by Warren P. Poslusny (Kettering ’69) to recognize collegiate members who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and service in the Fraternity.

Criteria: Any chapter member may be nominated and apply if they meet the following three qualifications:

  • Candidates must be active members from chapters in good standing with the Fraternity and their college or university. They must also be a Junior, Senior, Graduate Student, or recent December graduate.
  • Although the chapter must endorse the candidate, the candidate may complete the application and gather the supporting documents on their own.
  • The chapter should select the member most deserving of this honor and encourage them to apply or have a selected member to complete the application on the candidate’s behalf.

Chapter Awards

The John O. Moseley Award for Fraternity Zeal (The Zeal Award) recognizes the chapter that best exemplifies a model chapter in Sigma Alpha Epsilon. This chapter excels in its operations and brotherhood, fulfilling the vision of our Founding Fathers and members by living the lives of true gentleman. This chapter goes above and beyond expectations and demonstrates true zeal and excitement for the Fraternity.

The chapter that wins the John O. Moseley Award for Fraternity Zeal will receive a $5,000 donation to its Chapter Education Fund, endowed by Warren P. Poslusny (Kettering ’69) to recognize brothers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and service in the Fraternity. Runners-up for the Zeal Award will receive a tuition scholarship to the next Executives Academy, also courtesy of Warren P. Poslusny (Kettering ’69).

Criteria: Any exemplary chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may be nominated and apply if they meet the following qualifications:

  • Receive a supporting nomination from either their Province Archon or Chapter Services Team Member.
  • Collect/submit three (3) letters of recommendation. One from a chapter advisor, a Fraternity/Sorority Advisor, and a member of the community.
Due to the nature of the Zeal award application, applicants will automatically be considered for every other chapter award (with the exception of Most Improved Chapter Award and Harry S. Bunting Emerging Chapter of the Year). This is because applicants for the Zeal Award are required to complete all other chapter award applications except Most Improved Chapter and Harry S. Bunting Emerging Chapter of the Year.

The Chapter Achievement Award is the award earned by the top performing chapters in the Fraternity that excel in the core, fundamental areas of chapter operations.

Criteria: Any exemplary chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may be nominated and apply if they meet the following qualification:

  • Receive a supporting nomination from either their Province Archon or Chapter Services Team Member.
Due to the nature of the Chapter Achievement award application, applicants will automatically be considered for every other chapter award (with the exception of John O. Moseley Award for Fraternity Zeal, Most Improved Chapter, and Harry S. Bunting Emerging Chapter of the Year). This is because applicants for the Chapter Achievement Award are required to complete all other chapter award applications except Zeal, Most Improved Chapter, and Harry S. Bunting Emerging Chapter of the Year.

The Most Improved Chapter Award is the award that looks at how a chapter took a less-than-optimal situation to turn its problems into progress.

Criteria: Any exemplary chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may be nominated and apply if they meet the following qualification:

  • Received a nomination from either their Province Archon, a member of the Expansion & Growth Department, or Chapter Services Team Member

The Harry S. Bunting Emerging Chapter of the Year Award recognizes the top performing emerging chapter in the Realm.

Criteria: Any exemplary emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may be nominated and apply if they meet the following qualifications:

  • Received a nomination from either their Province Archon, a member of the Expansion & Growth Department, or Chapter Services Team Member.
  • Must not have been chartered prior to January 1st, 2024.

The Outstanding Alumni Relations Award is given to the chapter that, at a minimum, invites alumni to participate in the various Ritual ceremonies and uses an alumni advisory board to keep its alumni informed of opportunities to help the chapter/emerging chapter.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Outstanding Chapter Housing Award is earned by the chapter/emerging chapter that best demonstrates the advancement of housing, regardless of who owns the property. Applications are judged on the successful management of the property and life-safety issues that help protect its occupants.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Smith-Huffman Outstanding Chapter Management Award recognizes the chapter that displays the best overall control and interrelationships of chapter/emerging chapter activities.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Outstanding Chapter Scholarship Award is given to the chapter/emerging chapter that not only sustains an above-average grade-point average, but also uses innovative ways to keep members on track academically. The winning chapter has a vast knowledge of scholastic resources on their campus, as well as within their chapter/emerging chapter.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Joseph A. Mancini Outstanding Chapter Service and Philanthropy Award has been given to chapters/emerging chapters both large and small. The overall goal is not always about the amount of money raised or number of service hours completed, but contributing to the greater good and giving back to the surrounding community.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Kimball-Phelps Award for Outstanding Chapter Singing provides recognition to the chapter/emerging chapter that best utilizes the songs of the Fraternity as an integral part of its operations and brotherhood-building events.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

OPTIONAL: Include a sample of the chapter’s singing (.mp3 files, movies, etc.).

The Brandon Weghorst Outstanding Communication Award recognizes the chapter/emerging chapter that excels in its communication with members, alumni, and others through various mediums such as printed, electronic, and/or social-media vehicles.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Outstanding Financial Management Award recognizes the chapter/emerging chapter that best demonstrates proficiency in successful budgeting and financial matters. They serve as a role model for fiscal responsibility and budget oversight.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Outstanding Health & Safety Award is awarded to the chapter/emerging chapter that both follows and enhances our health-and-safety policies. This group not only foresees risk factors, but works proactively to avoid them and to ensure the well-being of their members and guests.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Outstanding Member Education Award recognizes the chapter/emerging chapter who has most excelled in implementing The Phoenix Member Education Program.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Robert C. Cousins Award for Outstanding Recruitment is given to the chapter/emerging chapter that best recruits on values and needs of the chapter. This chapter also recognizes that quantity and quality are both attainable goals.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Noble Leslie DeVotie Outstanding Excellence in Ritual Award is judged by the Ritual Committee and takes into consideration applicants who not only perform the Ritual, but perform it often and well.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

The Outstanding University Relations Award looks at chapter awards given by colleges and universities, as well as IFCs and other organizations on campus. This award also takes into consideration how often the chapter/emerging chapter meets and plans with its campus-based professionals, and the rapport it has established with those individuals. Additionally, it recognizes the chapter/emerging chapter that demonstrates engagement in student organizations and partnerships with university staff.

Criteria: Any chapter/emerging chapter in good standing with the Fraternity Service Center may apply for this award.

Alumni Association Awards

The Bill Fiscus Outstanding Area Alumni Association Award recognizes the area alumni association that has made an outstanding contribution of time and energy in its respective geographical area. The winning association will exemplify consistent dedication in enhancing the fraternal experience for alumni from all chapters residing in the local area, and, when possible, the undergraduates of the chapter or emerging chapter that may be located in the vicinity. Its activities should also include events and efforts to keep and enhance friendships among alumni. A key factor will be its ability to increase participation of members as alumni in the Fraternity.

Criteria: Any Area Alumni Association may apply.

The Outstanding Alumni Assocation Communication Award recognizes groups that excel in communicating their messages to specific audiences. Certificates for these awards are given to winning groups in each communications category, including:

  • Printed newsletters
  • Electronic newsletters
  • Websites

Awards are given for content, design, and layout; effectiveness of message; and production quality. All activities and materials should be in compliance with Fraternity policies.

Criteria: Any Area Alumni Association may apply. Applicants will be required to submit PDF copies of printed and/or electronic newsletters.

The Oustanding Chapter Alumni Association Award recognizes the chapter alumni association that has made an outstanding contribution of time and energy to its respective chapter or emerging chapter. The winning association will exemplify consistent dedication in enhancing the fraternal experience for the undergraduates of the chapter or emerging chapter, as well as for its alumni. Its activities should also include events and efforts to keep and enhance friendships among alumni. A key factor will be its ability to increase participation of members as alumni in the Fraternity.

Criteria: Any Chapter Alumni Association may apply.

The Oustanding Special Project or Event Award is designed to recognize a particular event or special project conceived, planned, and implemented that has a direct impact on the association’s goals and enhances the reputation of the Fraternity. Examples might include sports tournaments, philanthropic events, or fundraising campaigns.

Criteria: Any Alumni Association may apply.

Housing Corporation Awards

The Outstanding House Corporation Communication Award recognizes groups that excel in communicating their messages to specific audiences. Certificates for these awards are given to winning groups in each communications category, including

  • Printed newsletters
  • Electronic newsletters
  • Websites

Awards are given for content, design, and layout; effectiveness of message; and production quality. All activities and materials should be in compliance with Fraternity policies.

Criteria: Any House Corporation may apply. Applicants will be required to submit PDF copies of printed and/or electronic newsletters.

The Oustanding House Corporation Award recognizes the house corporation that has demonstrated a level of organization and activity that exceeds the requirements of the Fraternity Laws. The recipient of this award generally utilizes experts in finance, maintenance, construction, law, insurance, and other fields related to the management of a chapter property. The house corporation holds regular meetings throughout the year and is in frequent contact with the chapter leadership and alumni. The house corporation plans, researches, and implements both short-term and long-term goals and has great concern for the financial structure and well-being of the chapter as is integral to its success in housing initiatives.

Criteria: Any House Corporation may apply.

Advisory Board Awards

The Stuart Zoock Outstanding Advisory Board Award recognizes the advisory board that has given outstanding assistance and guidance to a chapter or emerging chapter. The nominated advisory board should be diligent and enthusiastic in handling responsibilities and assisting chapters to become as self-sufficient as possible. Additionally, advisory boards should attend both Executive Council and regular chapter meetings on a consistent basis and advise the chapter on the core areas of chapter operations. If a house corporation exists, the advisory board should collaborate with it.
Criteria: Any Advisory Board may apply.