The Phoenix Member Education Program is SAE’s member education experience and provides developmental programming for every member of the Chapter or Emerging Chapter.
Member Onboarding offers programming for Candidates for Membership and initiated members to intentionally welcome brothers into the Chapter or Emerging Chapter and reflect on membership thus far. This programming engages the whole chapter during the 96-hour bid-to-initiation Process. After the Candidates for Membership are initiated, they will participate in a 3-week continued onboarding process that includes online modules, required readings, and in-person meetings. This is to ensure that all new initiates are provided adequate knowledge and skills to begin their SAE membership on a positive note.
Brother-to-Brother Lessons are lessons facilitated by the Member Educator (with the help of other chapter leaders) at chapter meetings and are meant for all brothers of the Chapter or Emerging Chapter. Each lesson enriches members with the knowledge of SAE and core values, as well as how the lessons of history apply to us today. Lessons also enhance the personal and professional knowledge and skills of members. Every Chapter and Emerging Chapter must complete at least 18 Brother-to-Brother lessons each year (9 each semester or 6 each quarter).
The traditions and lessons of SAE have been modernized and adapted in order to be most effective for today’s collegiate brothers.
The Phoenix Member Education program involves and engages all brothers on a deeper level and ensures the rich history of SAE leaves a lasting impact on all members.
With The Phoenix Member Education Program, Chapters and Emerging Chapters are provided with a guide to help facilitate member onboarding while still customizing the experience for their specific chapter.
Initiation is not only for Candidates for Membership, but serves as a reminder to all members about the values and lessons emulated within the Ritual. Recommitting serves as a reminder to members that their commitment to SAE extends beyond their first semester. Members of SAE are brothers for life.
Lessons of the past help shape decisions of the future. Using SAE’s prominent figures, events, and texts, The Phoenix Member Education program provides weekly lessons to all members about what it means to be an SAE, and how lessons from the past can help them prepare for the future.
By practicing the recitation of The True Gentleman, learning and memorizing SAE Songs, and learning straight from The Phoenix and The History Book, new initiates will keep the things that make SAE unique alive and thriving. The lessons throughout the entire Phoenix Member Education Program were written with the intention of educating members on what it means to be an SAE and teaching them about what makes Sigma Alpha Epsilon the fraternity it is today.
Member onboarding offers programming for Candidates for Membership and initiated members to intentionally welcome initiates into the Chapter or Emerging Chapter and reflect on membership thus far.
Brother-to-Brother Lessons are lessons facilitated by the Member Educator (with the help of other chapter leaders) at chapter meetings and are meant for all brothers of the chapter or emerging chapter.
Every chapter/emerging chapter must complete at least 18 Brother-to-Brother lessons each year (9 each semester or 6 each quarter). The Lesson Schedules section at the back of the Phoenix Member Education Manual is a great resource to help you plan out all your lessons for the year.
Each lesson enriches members with the knowledge of SAE and core values, as well as how the lessons of history apply to us today. Some lessons also feature a song of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. By learning to sing SAE’s songs, members can bring more ‘fun’ to their chapter experience and keep our strong singing tradition alive.
Start by selecting 18 Brother-to-Brother lessons for the year that meet the needs and interests of your chapter. The 2022 Manual includes 41 options, so you may choose to do more than the minimum number required. Use the Brother-to-Brother Checklist on page __ for specifics about required lessons and how many lessons you should facilitate from each of the 6 categories.
You can also view the Lesson Schedules section at the back of the manual for tips, tricks, and planning resources for choosing the best topics for your chapter.
As outlined in The Phoenix Member Education Manual, the first portion of Member Onboarding is suggested to take place over three days. The timeline for the period from bid to initiation is only a suggestion. You may move around these activities (within the 96 hours from bid to initiation) to suit the needs of your chapter.
Your chapter may add member education activities/lessons for all members in addition to the materials outlined in The Phoenix Member Education Program, but each chapter and emerging chapter is expected to fully implement The Phoenix Member Education Program.
If you or your chapter want to learn more, contact the Education Department at