Home Programs


The Phoenix Member Education

The Phoenix Member Education is an exciting evolution of the True Gentleman Experience. The Phoenix Member Education is comprised of  lessons, discussion topics, brotherhood events, rewards and recognition done in a more relevant manner for today’s college student.

The National Ambassador Program

The National Ambassador Program is the pinnacle leadership development program of the Fraternity. Ambassadors take part in brotherhood building, professional growth, and personal development. During the program, brothers receive coaching from prominent Fraternity Alumni and work collaboratively on special projects to make an impact on the Fraternity. Those serving as National Ambassadors provide support for all educational programs and events sponsored by the Fraternity.

The True Gentleman Day Of Service

True Gentleman Day of Service is SAE’s community service initiative. Use the TG Day of Service branding for any service event you participate in as a group. Check out the provided resources for picking a project, planning and implementing your event, and reporting your impact.


QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. This program aims to equip participants with the skills to recognize signs of crisis, respond to someone in crisis, and how to get help and save a life.



Are you an undergraduate brother who wants to take your leadership skills to the next level? Learn from alumni and your peers during a week of leadership education, discussions, and interactive activities.

Ritual Academy

Are you an undergraduate who wants to take your knowledge of our Ritual to the next level? Learn from some of our top ritualists during a weekend of Ritual education, discussions and training.

Inner Circle

Annually, the Inner Circle brings together the top collegiate leaders from across the realm with one goal: to cultivate the next generations of alumni leaders for our Fraternity. The weekend event provides attendees with the opportunity to share time with the Supreme Council as well as some of Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s most accomplished and influential leaders. Collegiate attendees have the opportunity to meet other leaders from all over the country, that have the same passion and drive for the Fraternity.

Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI)

Are you a collegiate brother who wants to build leadership skills and influence positive change in SAE and your campus’s fraternity/sorority community? Learn with your fraternity/sorority peers through this four-day, three-night, immersive leadership experience held each summer.

Anniversary Convention

Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Anniversary Convention is the largest business meeting of the organization. More than 400 delegates that represent chapters and alumni associations in good standing vote upon board candidates and proposals for the Fraternity Laws.