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169th Anniversary Convention

June 19 - June 22

Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s 169th Anniversary Convention is the largest business meeting of the organization and will take place in Atlanta, Georgia, from June 19-22. More than 400 delegates that represent chapters and alumni associations in good standing vote upon Supreme Council candidates and proposals for the Fraternity Laws. Although each chapter and alumni association gets only one vote, and may only designate one main delegate, groups may elect to send multiple delegates. Collegiate Chapters that do not send at least one delegate to the Convention are fined $1,500 for non-representation as per Fraternity Laws.


April 1-May 27, 2025 at 5:00 PM Eastern

NOTE: Registration closes on May 27, 2025, at 5:00 PM Central. Registration will not be available at the Convention site for collegiates, alumni, or guests. Please plan accordingly.


The Convention begins at 9:00 AM, June 20, with the opening Plenary Session (Welcome). All delegates should plan to arrive prior to that time to check-in. A tentative schedule of events for the convention is available HERE.


As outlined in Title I Section 10.A.1.b. of the Fraternity Laws, “Any member in good standing with the Fraternity may propose an amendment or repeal to the Fraternity Laws or Ritual by giving notice to the Eminent Supreme Recorder by the 30th Day of January at 12:00 AM CT that immediately proceeds a regular session of the Fraternity Convention. The Eminent Supreme Recorder must publish such notice in the issue of The Phi Alpha for that session of the Fraternity Convention.”

Please submit any such amendments using this template by email to


Any member in good standing with the Fraternity may declare his candidacy for a position on the Supreme Council at any time on or after the 15th day of September immediately preceding a regular session of the Fraternity Convention and up to the date and time allowed for such purpose during the Convention.

A member who wishes to run for the Supreme Council must timely submit written notice to the Eminent Supreme Recorder (ESR) so that the notice is received by an applicable date. The address for such notices is:
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Attn: Eminent Supreme Recorder
1856 Sheridan Road
Evanston, Illinois 60201


The ESR or his designee will affirmatively send written notice to confirm receipt of a candidate’s notice. Such confirmation notice may be sent by US Mail, email, or similar form of communication deemed acceptable to the ESR.

In order to be included in the electronic and/or printed edition of the Phi Alpha, candidates for the Supreme Council must declare their candidacy in writing to the ESR by the 30th Day of January at 12:00 AM CT that immediately precedes a regular session of the Fraternity Convention (“The Phi Alpha Deadline”). Candidates for the Supreme Council who do not declare their candidacy in writing to the ESR by The Phi Alpha Deadline will not be included in the electronic or print editions of The Phi Alpha.

Candidates for the Supreme Council may have access to a list of groups eligible to vote in the election and these groups (including their designated representative(s)) who have registered for the Convention. Such information will be provided by the ESR or his designee on such dates and in such formats as he determines. Candidates and those working on their behalf shall only contact electors (whether by phone, email, US mail or other similar means of communication) who have authorized their personal information to be shared, regardless of the means by which such information becomes known to the candidate. The ESR may prescribe additional rules regarding the use of personal information.

Any candidate for the Supreme Council may withdraw his name from the election by providing a written notice to the ESR in the same manner specified above for declaration of a candidacy. Similarly, the ESR will provide written notice of receipt of the withdrawal. If a candidate withdraws, but then reconsiders, he must resubmit his candidacy as specified above with no consideration given to his earlier candidacy (for example, The Phi Alpha Deadline will be considered as of the date of resubmittal).


June 19
June 22
Event Category:


Atlanta, GA