On a national level, Sigma Alpha Epsilon is governed by an all-volunteer Supreme Council, composed of the Eminent Supreme Archon (President), Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon (Vice President), Eminent Supreme Warden (Treasurer), Eminent Supreme Herald and Eminent Supreme Chronicler (Secretary). Beyond the Supreme Council, there is an Honorary Eminent Supreme Archon and Chief Executive Officer as well.
Province-level governance occurs on a regular basis to discuss issues concerning the individual chapters, emerging chapters and alumni associations within their purview. Each of the 30 provinces are led by a Province Archon (volunteer district president), who is a regional alumni volunteer supported by a Province Council.
Every other year, the Fraternity Convention brings members from all over the country together to consider modifications to the Fraternity Laws, and to elect national officers.
For general Foundation related items, please email foundation@sae.net or call (800) 233-1856.
Honorary Trustee
Honorary Trustee
Trustee Emeritus
Trustee Emeritus
Trustee Emeritus
Trustee Emeritus
Trustee Emeritus
Trustee Emeritus
Trustee Emeritus
Trustee Emeritus
Trustee Emeritus
Vice President