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Executives Academy

January 6, 2023 - January 8, 2023

Executives Academy provides Eminent Archons, Eminent Deputy Archons, Eminent Treasurers, Health & Safety Officers, Member Educators, and Recruitment Chairmen with the tools necessary for success in leading their chapters.

  • Organizational Behaviors
  • Systems Thinking
  • Evaluation
  • Problem-Solving
  • Reflection and Application
  • Self-Development
  • Goals
  • Service

Attendees will have the opportunity to learn how best to apply their skills by attending a combination of general sessions, breakout sessions, and small-group discussions.

Additionally, there will be an Advisor Training Track which provides advisors with hands-on learning experiences and valuable training opportunities.


Start Date & Time: Friday, January 6, 2023, at 2:00 PM Eastern Time

End Date & Time: Sunday, January 8, 2023, at 11:00 AM Eastern Time

CLICK HERE to view a tentative event schedule.


A limited number of scholarships will be awarded to attendees. Scholarships will cover registration costs only and will open on October 24, 2022. The application for scholarships can be found HERE. All scholarship applications will be due by Monday November 21, 2022, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time, notification of award will be distributed the week of November 28, 2022. 



Cost of the event covers the event, all meals, and lodging for Friday and Saturday nights

  • Early Bird Officer Registration: $350
  • Late Officer Registration: $400
  • Early Bird Advisor Registration: $400
  • Late Advisor Registration: $450

*Members can use Chapter Education Funds to attend this event! To use your CEF towards registration, contact your Fund Administrator or email the Education Department at


Registration for all attendees will be available through The SAE Portal account beginning November 14, 2022. Early Bird registration will end Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 11:55 PM Pacific Time. Late registration will close Monday, December 12, 2022, at 11:55 PM Pacific.


Anyone needing to cancel or substitute their registration must log in to The SAE Portal and submit a change request. All cancellations and substitutions must be submitted by Monday, December 12, 2022, at 11:55 PM Pacific.


By registering for this event, you hereby acknowledge that you have read all of the following terms and conditions and agree to them:

By completing this registration, you certify you are either 1) registering yourself for the event or 2) completing registrations for fellow chapter members on their behalf and are liable by doing so. During registration, it is the responsibility of the person registering to keep track of who he registers.


Attendance for the entire program — from start to finish — is required for successful graduation. Departing early from the program, for any reason, may result in failure to graduate.


Dress for Executives Academy is business casual. Plan to wear an SAE polo or button-down shirt each day.


As an attendee of our program, you will be asked to agree to the following terms, which help designate us as true gentlemen and leaders:

  1. I do hereby agree to adhere to the following Code of Conduct while I am an attendee of the Executives Academy. My conduct will at all times be a reflection of “The True Gentleman.”
  2. I will not violate the laws of the land, the regulations of my university/college or the Fraternity Laws and health-and-safety policies of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. If I fail in any way to follow this Code of Conduct, I fully understand that the Eminent Supreme Recorder or his designee has the right to remove me from the program immediately. I also understand that if this occurs, my membership in Sigma Alpha Epsilon may be terminated.
  3. As a gentleman, I understand that some t-shirt slogans or pictures can be vulgar or tasteless. I will refrain from wearing such a shirt while a part of the Executives Academy. If I have a question as to my shirt’s acceptability, I will ask a staff or faculty member for guidance. I realize that this type of dress reflects on the image of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 
  4. I further agree that I shall continue to abide by the Scope of Association, which I signed upon claiming my account. I understand that my poor attendance at general sessions, seminars, or meetings or my conduct may warrant my failing the Executives Academy and not being awarded a diploma.
  5. I understand and acknowledge that attendance at the entire program — from start to finish — is required for successful graduation. Departing early from the program, for any reason, may result in my failure to graduate from the program.
  6. Additionally, I understand that if my actions cause injury to someone or something, I will indemnify and hold Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity and Foundation harmless from any claims arising from my actions.


If you have additional questions, please contact the Education Department, at


January 6, 2023
January 8, 2023


Hilton Atlanta Airport Hotel
1031 Virginia Ave
Hapeville, GA 30354 United States
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