Home Donate to the Nick Humphery Memorial Scholarship

Donate to the Nick Humphery Memorial Scholarship

Our condolences go out to the brothers at the chapter at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as they recently lost Brother Nick Humphrey (’21).

Photo via sae_wisconsin/instagram

The Illinois native entered Chapter Eternal due to complications linked to sudden cardiopulmonary failure. He was only 22.

On June 23, 2021, Humphrey passed after recently graduating from Wisconsin’s School of Agriculture, majoring in Agronomy.

“Nick was a passionate student, and his character was exemplary of the SAE Wisconsin community,” former Brother Zachary Houston-Read said. “It has been heartbreaking for all of us, and we have all worked on many ways to honor his memory.”

The brothers at the chapter and the Wisconsin Foundation have teamed up to start a memorial scholarship to honor him.

The Nick Humphrey Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to students within the McBurney Center, which helps kids with learning disabilities. Nick was proud to be a McBurney student.

The chapter’s goal is to raise $25,000 towards this fund. This amount is the university’s threshold for creating a permanent fund that will be reinvested and awarded annually. Anything below $25,000 will allow the scholarship to function only until the initial fund is depleted.

Photo via sae_wisconsin/instagram

They have until October 1 to raise $25,000. They currently have just over $10,000 raised right now.

“Everybody was close to Nick because he made an effort with everyone. He made everyone feel special. He was a really special guy too,” Wisconsin’s Eminent Archon George Lampen said. “Nick was the first person many of us met upon arriving in Madison: a comforting, intelligent, and quirky presence that made everyone around him feel special.”

“Nick was friends with everyone because he made an effort to know and relate to all of his brothers. We all feel this loss, and we are all blessed to have had a brother and friend like Nick.”