Jack joined the Board of Trustees in October 2019. He was initiated at Westminster College in Missouri, where he served as Rush Chairman and Social Chairman. He later transferred and graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. He is the Founder and CEO of Candid Color Systems, a photo-marketing business that supports independent photographers, helps them grow their businesses, and stay competitive in the marketplace. Candid Color Systems, through its operators, currently photographs the graduation ceremonies on most college campuses across the country. Many SAE members likely have a Candid Color Systems picture of themselves receiving a diploma as they walk across the stage. Jack and his wife, Alison, live in Oklahoma City. Jack has seven children, including three sons that were initiated into SAE. Jack enjoys traveling, hiking, going to hundreds of his kids’ soccer games, and is a boating enthusiast in his free time. In addition to his work with the SAE Foundation, Jack is also on the Oklahoma Kappa Board and is involved in his chapter’s alumni relations.