Austin is a junior studying Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology. He currently serves his chapters as Recruitment Chairman, Philanthropy Chairman, Awards Chair, and Alumni Relations Chair and has previously held the roles of EDA and was an IFC Representative. He is a Student Ambassador, Student Leader, and a Criminal Justice and Sociology Club member.
Jacob is a senior studying Accounting and Finance. He currently serves his chapter as Philanthropy Chairman and Eminent Warden and has previously held the roles of EA, ET, Eminent Recorder, Marketing Chair, Fundraising Chair, and Sports Chair. He is also involved with the Academic Success Center at Youngstown State as a Peer Tutor.
Gabe is a senior studying Computer Science with a minor in Economics and Philosophy. He previously served as the Health and Safety Chairman and Risk Manager for his chapter. He served as the Vice President of Membership Development for the IFC Council in his chapter and is currently a Gold Star Society Presidential Ambassador and a full-time Technical Construction Engineer.
John is a senior studying Communications with a minor in Sports Management. He currently serves his chapter as the Member Educator and has previously held the roles of Standards & Ethics Board Member and Intramural Chairman. Prior to ETSU, he obtained his NCCER (HVAC/Construction) and EPA Type 1/2 Certifications and worked for an HVAC company in Knoxville during the summer.
Tyler is a junior studying Business Management. He currently serves his chapter as the Eminent Herald. He is also a member of the Investment Club and Real Estate Club.
Zeke is a senior studying Computer Science & Latin with a minor in Classical Civilization. He currently serves his chapter as the Eminent Archon and has previously held the roles of Sustainability Chair and Member Educator. He is also a part of the Committee for Latinx Concerns (CLC), a Presidential Ambassador, and a member of Computing Opportunities for Students of Color (COSoC).
Riley is a senior studying Economics and Philosophy with minors in International Studies and Ethics. He previously served his chapter as Eminent Preceptor. He is also the Student Government Association Senator, a co-founder of Students of Law in Practice, a tenor for Pokeappella Men’s Glee, the Judiciary Committee Chairman for the Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature, a member of Model United Nations, and a part of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry.
Ben is a senior studying Finance and Accounting with a minor in Business and Law. He currently serves his chapter as the Director of Philanthropy & Brotherhood and Upperclassmen Advisor and has previously held the roles of Eminent Archon, Standards Board Representative, IFC Delegate, and Assistant House Manager. He is also the IFC Director of Risk Management, CHOICES Alcohol Training Leader, and a Husker Dialogue Group Leader.
Charles is a senior studying Cognitive Science. He began his undergraduate career at George Washington University where he was initiated in the Washington City Rho chapter before transferring to the University of Virginia. He served his chapter as co-Service and Philanthropy Chair and EDA. Currently, he serves as the President of the College Council and as the S1 for his school’s Army ROTC program.
Curt is a senior studying Business Administration with A Pre-Law Focus. He currently serves as his chapter’s Eminent Herald, Mental Health Chairman, and Standard Board member. Previously he served IFC as the Vice President of Scholarship and Academics. He is also on the mock trial team, where he holds the position of Public Relations Chair.
Brayden is a sophomore studying Political Science & Philosophy. He has previously held the roles of Eminent Treasurer and Awards Chair. He is also in Student Government at Youngstown State where he serves as the Elections Chair and Parliamentarian.
Brayden is a senior studying Finance and Accounting. He currently serves his chapter as Apparel Chairman and previously held the roles of Recruitment Chairman, Homecoming Chairman, PR Chair, Philanthropy Chair, and Eminent Herald. He is also a member of the Finance and Investment Club.
Richie is a junior studying Accounting with a Real Estate minor. He currently serves his chapter as the Eminent Deputy Archon. He has previously held the role of House Manager. He is also the president of the Ole Miss Hockey Team.
Quartus is a junior studying Business Management and MIS. He currently serves his chapter as the Eminent Recorder. He has previously held the position of Scholarship Chairman. He is a Senior Consultant at Millikin University Performace Consulting and a member of the track and cross country teams at Millikin.
Nick is a junior studying Business Analytics and Marketing. He currently serves his chapter as the Eminent Archon and IFC Delegate. He has previously held the position of House Manager. He is also an Inventory Manager for Cedar Hills Liquor and is a Sam Day Foundation Volunteer.
Walter is a senior studying History with a minor in Politics and Government. He currently serves his chapter as the Alumni Relations Chairman, a position he has also previously held. He also serves as the President of the University of Puget Sound Fishing Club and the Co-Director of Recruitment on the IFC Committee.
Garey is a junior studying Biology with minors in Business, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership Studies. He currently serves his chapter as the Scholarship Chairman. He has previously held roles on the Executive Board, Standards Board, as IFC Delegate, Eminent Recorder, Scholarship Chair, and Family Day Chair. Currently he serves as the Delta Mu Order of Omega Honor Society President. He is an active member of multiple clubs.
Reindl is a senior studying Industrial Engineering while concurrently earning his MBA. He currently serves his chapter as the Alumni Relations Officer. He is Iowa Gamma’s founding father, held roles on Executive Board, Standards Board, as Eminent Archon, Eminent Deputy Archon, Eminent Treasurer, Scholarship Chairman, and Alumni Relations Officer. He serves as a Student Government Senator representing the Ivy Graduate College, an MBA Ambassador, President of the Iowa State University Golf Club, and an active member of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).
Andrew is a senior studying Management with minors in Marketing and Leadership Studies. He has previously held the roles of EDA, Social Chair, Brotherhood Chair, Greek Week Chair, and Philanthropy and Community Service Chairman. He is also a Peer Mentor for Destination Iowa State.
Jones was initiated into the Mississippi Theta chapter at Mississippi State University in 1969. During his undergraduate tenure, he served as Recruitment Chairman & Philanthropy Chairman. Upon graduation, he enrolled at the University of Mississippi School of Law, from which he graduated cum laude in 1977.
Currently, Jones is senior counsel for Baker Donelson, where he specializes in health care litigation, commercial litigation, toxic tort litigation, general tort litigation and real estate litigation including annexation and eminent domain litigation. He has been selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America every year since 2015.
Additionally, Jones is a recipient of the Order of the Lion, Order of Minerva, and the Merit Key.
Les joined the Board of Trustees in November 2019 and is a member from Towson University. He was Pledge Educator and House Manager for his chapter and served as a Senator for Towson’s Student Government Association as an undergraduate. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration. Currently, he works as a Strategic Consultant, where he advises both public and private companies on marketing, operations, and commercial strategy. Les and his wife, Lori, live in Longboat Key, Florida and have two sons and one grandson. In his free time, Les enjoys golf, water sports, and home improvement projects.
Dan joined the Board of Trustees in January 2022 and is a member from the University of Idaho. As an undergraduate, Dan served his chapter as Eminent Archon and Member Educator. As an alumnus, Dan served as Province Phi Archon. In 2007 he was awarded the Merit Key recognizing his significant service to SAE. Dan has a Bachelor of Science degree in business management. He is the President of Broadway Group, which owns and operates Broadway Flying J Travel Plazas in Washington, Montana, and Nevada. Additionally, Dan has served many different organizations throughout his professional career, including school boards, association boards, advisory boards, foundation boards, museum boards, selection committees, fundraising committees, and election committees. Dan and his wife, Anne, live in Bozeman, Montana. They have four children and four grandchildren.
In April of 2021, Scott joined the Board of Trustees and became General Counsel. He is a member from Indiana University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in finance. As an undergraduate, he served his chapter as Eminent Deputy Archon. Scott attended Southwestern University School of Law in Los Angeles, and is now a partner at Rathje Woodward LLC where he practices in the areas of commercial real estate, corporate/finance, commercial litigation, and homeowners/condominium association law. Scott and his wife, Dolly, live just outside of Chicago. They have two adult daughters. In his free time, Scott enjoys training his German shorthaired pointer for grouse hunting. He also enjoys fishing and playing guitar in a blues band and at church. In addition to the SAE Foundation, he serves on the finance committee at his church, as a board member for the DuPage Health Coalition, and as General Counsel for the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce.
Henry joined the Board of Trustees in September 2022 and is a member from Mississippi State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in accounting. As an undergraduate, Henry served his chapter as Eminent Archon and Eminent Treasurer. Following two years of service in the United States Navy, Henry spent six years as a Certified Public Accountant for Ernst & Young. He was also the CEO of a 100-location drug store chain and President of Baker/Automated Prescription Systems, Inc. He is now enjoying retirement. Henry and his wife of 45 years, Martha, live in Scottsdale and Prescott, Arizona. In their free time, they enjoy spending time together outdoors. In addition to serving on the SAE Foundation Board of Trustees, Henry is also on the Board of his community Homeowners Association.
Steve joined the Board of Trustees in May 2021 and is a member from Indiana University. As an undergraduate, he served his chapter as Eminent Archon. Steve has a Bachelor of Science degree in finance from Indiana University and a Master of Business Administration degree in finance from DePaul University. He is the Managing Director and Global Head of M&A Advisory Practice for Kroll and the President of Kroll Securities, LLC. Steve is a Green Coat Director for the Western Golf Association, an organization that supports the Evans Scholars Foundation, which awards college tuition and housing scholarships to deserving caddies. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Regal Beloit Corporation.
Debashis joined the Board of Trustees in August 2020 and is a member from the University of Minnesota. As an undergraduate, he served his chapter in various positions, including as Eminent Archon. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in management and economics. He is the President of Canterbury Consulting, an Investment Advisory Firm which currently manages over $32 billion in assets for clients throughout North America. Debashis and his wife, Laurel, live in Laguna Niguel, California. They have a son. In his free time, Debashis enjoys golfing, spending time outdoors exploring the mountains, and is a member of the Southern California Young Presidents Organization. He also serves as a board member for the Priority Center of Orange County and the Mission Hospital Foundation.
Jack joined the Board of Trustees in October 2019. He was initiated at Westminster College in Missouri, where he served as Rush Chairman and Social Chairman. He later transferred and graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. He is the Founder and CEO of Candid Color Systems, a photo-marketing business that supports independent photographers, helps them grow their businesses, and stay competitive in the marketplace. Candid Color Systems, through its operators, currently photographs the graduation ceremonies on most college campuses across the country. Many SAE members likely have a Candid Color Systems picture of themselves receiving a diploma as they walk across the stage. Jack and his wife, Alison, live in Oklahoma City. Jack has seven children, including three sons that were initiated into SAE. Jack enjoys traveling, hiking, going to hundreds of his kids’ soccer games, and is a boating enthusiast in his free time. In addition to his work with the SAE Foundation, Jack is also on the Oklahoma Kappa Board and is involved in his chapter’s alumni relations.
Grant joined the Board of Trustees in July 2019 and is a member from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As an undergraduate, he served as his chapter’s Eminent Archon and Eminent Treasurer. As an alumnus, he worked for the Fraternity as Extension Director and is a past Chairman and member of the SAE Extension Advisory Committee. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration and finance and has over 35 years of experience as a Business and Wealth Management Advisor with Northwestern Mutual. Grant and his wife, Betsy, live in Chicagoland. They have two adult children. In his free time, Grant enjoys travel, golf, bowling, and pickleball. In addition to serving on the SAE Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Grant also supports and volunteers for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.
Graham joined the Board of Trustees in September 2022 and is a member from the University of Texas-Austin. As an undergraduate, Graham served his chapter as Eminent Archon, Houston Rush Captain, and Scholarship Chairman. He was also on the Student Union Board of Directors and was Vice President of the Interfraternity Council. As an alumnus, Graham has served as an Alumni Advisor and was a key member of the Capital Campaign Committee that raised funds to build the current SAE House on the UT Campus. Graham also established two scholarships for the benefit of University Texas students in good standing with SAE: the Scott Caven Scholarship and the Frank Abraham Scholarship. Graham is presently Co-Chair of the Re-Chartering Committee for the Emerging Chapter of SAE at the University of Texas-Austin. Graham has Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Public Affairs degrees from UT and a Juris Doctor degree from Southern Methodist University. Graham practiced civil trial law for almost 40 years handling many high-profile cases. He is a member of the American College of Trial Lawyers, The American Board of Trial Advocates, and the International Academy of Trial Lawyers. He is also a member and the past President of the International Society of Barristers. Additionally, Graham has supported many different organizations, including membership on various hospital, charity, and church boards. Graham and his wife, Lindy, live in Houston, Texas. They have four children and seven grandchildren.
Tom joined the Board of Trustees in September 2017 and is a member from the University of Arizona. He is a Certified Information Security Professional with over 30 years of experience designing and deploying global high-tech and secure digital systems to fortune 500 organizations. Throughout his career, Tom has started several companies, including Magenium Solutions, which he built from the ground up into one of the nation’s premier Microsoft service providers.
Tom is a trusted advisor to many IT leaders and a diverse team of executives. He has and advises leaders in many large organizations, such as AON, Ryerson Inc., Zurich, and Discount Tire. He is known as a strong leader, strategic thinker, and innovator. His firms have earned several accolades from Crain’s Best Places to work to both Microsoft: Worldwide Partner of the Year and Federal Partner of the Year. Tom holds several patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
Tom and his wife, Colleen, live in Scottsdale, Arizona. They have three children.
Hugh joined the Board of Trustees in February 2024 and is a member from The University of Alabama, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in marketing. He is the Chief Operating Officer of Dean Sausage Company, Inc. Hugh has served as the President of the Alabama Mu House Corporation since 2014 and is also a Chapter Advisor. He is also on the Boards of several local non-profit organizations and is an active member of the Episcopal Church of The Holy Comforter. Hugh and his wife, Tracey, live in Gadsden, Alabama. They have three children and one grandson.
Peter joined the Board of Trustees in February 2024 and is a member from California State University, Fullerton, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in political science. He is the President of P.M. Consulting, Inc. and Founder of Springboard Ventures. In addition to serving on the Foundation Board of Trustees, he is on the Cal State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation Board of Governors. He serves as Co-Chair of the CSFPF Advocacy Committee. He is the California Pi Chapter Alumni Chair and an Advisor to the Emerging Chapter at Cal State Fullerton. Peter and his wife, Niki, live in Corona Del Mar, California.
Jeff joined the Board of Trustees in February 2024 and is a member from Arizona State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in business marketing. He is the Founder of Fair Source Partners, LLC. As an undergraduate, Jeff served his chapter as Rush Chairman, Member Educator, and Eminent Deputy Archon. He also served on the Interfraternity Council as Rush Chairman and President. He is a Mentor for SAE’s True Gentleman Mentor Program and recently volunteered as a Facilitator at the 85th National Leadership School. Jeff and his wife, Carolyn, live in Sarasota, Florida. They have three children and one grandchild.
Bo joined the Board of Trustees in April 2021 and is a member from Northern Arizona University. As an undergraduate, he served his chapter in various positions, including Eminent Deputy Archon and Eminent Archon. As an Alumnus, he is involved with the Phoenix Alumni Association and recently served as the Association Board President. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in political science from Northern Arizona University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Arizona State University. Bo has 30 years of experience in commercial real estate and is currently the Senior Vice President of Citywide Commercial Real Estate. He lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. In his free time, Bo enjoys snow skiing and driving his Polaris RZR. He also occasionally enjoys hunting and fishing. Bo serves as a board member for ASU WP Carey College of Business Alumni Board of Directors, is an ASU President’s Club Member, and is on the Board of Advisors for the educational software firm K-16 Solutions.
Matt joined the Board of Trustees in September 2022 and is a member from the University of Northern Iowa. As an undergraduate, he served his chapter as Eminent Deputy Archon, Membership Educator, Rush Chair, and Interfraternity Council Representative. As an alumnus, he has served on his chapter’s Housing Corporation. He has a Bachelor of Arts in political science and government and is the National Sales Director for Abbott Laboratories, where he has worked for 24 years in sales and marketing. Matt and his wife live in the northern suburbs of Chicago. They have two daughters and a beagle/basset hound mix named Murphy. In his free time, Matt enjoys traveling with his family, visiting breweries, reading, and working out. In addition to serving on the SAE Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Matt is a mentor for Women Leaders in Action and participates in Junior Achievement programs at his daughters’ schools.
Todd joined the Board of Trustees in July 2011 and became a Trustee Emeritus in June 2021. He is a member from the University of Southern Mississippi where he earned a finance degree. He was Eminent Archon and Student Body President as an undergraduate and served as Eminent Supreme Archon and Province Archon as an alumnus. In 2011 he became the 130th member to receive the Distinguished Service Award, recognizing his lifetime of service to SAE. Todd also has a Master of Public Administration from Arizona State University and is currently the CEO of World Financial Group, a life insurance distribution giant with 71,000 agents across North America. Prior to this, he was an Army Officer for six years and spent twenty-four years as an executive in the life and retirement business, where he was named Manager of The Year nine times. Todd and his wife live in Tampa, Florida. They have three children. In his free time, Todd enjoys traveling, technology, golfing, and fishing. In addition to serving on the SAE Foundation Board of Trustees, Todd serves on the Reliaquest Bowl Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the Tampa Bay Sports Commission, Vineyard Capital, and Cogent Bank.
Garnand pledged and was initiated into Idaho Alpha at the University of Idaho in the fall of 1965. As an undergraduate he served as Eminent Chronicler, Eminent Recorder, and Eminent Deputy Archon. In addition, he was Pledge Educator, Alumni chairman, and chairman of the 50th Anniversary of Idaho Alpha. He served on the initiation team with then ESA Paul B. Jacob and introduced our guest Rudy Valle (Maine Alpha) at the gala celebration. On campus he was on the IFC communications team and the IFC recruiting team.
Garnand graduated in the spring of 1970 with a degree in Marketing Management and went to work for Chef Reddy Foods, a potato processor.
In 1971, he founded Garnand Marketing, a fresh produce brokerage firm and in 1981 founded The Northwest Connection, a national refrigerated trucking company. Today he is the managing partner of both firms and still active in the day to day operations of the business. In addition, he has founded a community bank and served as both its vice chairman and chairman. He has also been involved in real estate development.
On the National Fraternity level, Garnand was the official chapter delegate to both the 1968 Leadership School and the 1969 San Francisco Convention. He has attended six national conventions and was the chairman of the Alumni Services committee for four years for the National Fraternity and was charged with creating the program and bringing it to the convention for ratification. He served Province Phi as Archon three times and has served on the SAE Foundation Board as well. He is currently the secretary of the F&H Board. In addition, he is the president of Zeta Chi Alpha Trust Company that is the house corporation for Idaho Alpha. He is also on the leadership team for Idaho Alpha’s alumni commission.
He holds the Order of the Phoenix, the Order of the Lion, and the Merit Key as well as other certificates and recognitions and is a Rudolph member of the SAE Foundation. He was the first Founder member of Idaho Alpha. He was the creator and chief fundraiser for the Vietnam memorial in the Levere Memorial Temple. It was in honor of all the brothers that served in Viet Nam and was in the likeness of Past ESA Clark Houston.
Garnand has received awards for outstanding service from the local Vandal Boosters (University of Idaho’s Athletic fundraising program) and the National Vandal Boosters. He served on the University of Idaho’s College of Business Advisory Board for 19 years and was on one Dean’s search team for the College. He has a scholarship in the College of Business for brothers at Idaho Alpha. He is a member of the Silver and Gold Society for the University of Idaho Foundation. He’s been president of the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club and the chairman of the Twin Falls Urban Renewal Agency. He is the chairman of the Bowers Foundation, a local scholarship program, for the local Masons.
Garnand lives in Twin Falls, Idaho with his wife Lori who is the department chair for IT at the College of Southern Idaho.
Fred joined the Board of Trustees in October 2017 and is a member from Michigan State University, where he served as House Steward as an undergraduate. In 2017 he was awarded the Merit Key recognizing his significant service to SAE and currently serves on the SAE Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Committee. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from MSU’s School of Hospitality Business. He also has an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from Wheeling Jesuit University. Fred has over 50 years of experience in the hospitality industry. He is currently an Independent Director of several public and private equity companies, including Ashford Hospitality Trust, Athora Holdings LTD, Bermuda, and NR International. Fred and his wife, Johnna, live on Bainbridge Island, Washington. They have four children and seven grandchildren. In his free time, Fred enjoys being active, spending time outdoors, fly fishing, reading, and mentoring. He describes himself as a fitness enthusiast, wilderness advocate, and life-long learner. In addition to serving on the SAE Foundation Board of Trustees, Fred is also a member of the MSU Hospitality Advisory Board and The IslandWood School Board of Trustees, where he serves as the Finance Committee Chair and Treasurer.
McDonough was initiated at the Youngstown State University Chapter (Ohio Alpha) in January of 1993. During his time as an undergraduate, he served in multiple roles within the chapter and university organizations. McDonough earned his BE in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Youngstown State University in 1998. After working in his industry for some time, he earned his MBA in 2008.
Operating out of Ohio, McDonough is a Project Manager and Leader for a multi-discipline engineering firm. He has spent his career dedicated to the telecommunications and energy aspects of Civil Engineering, deploying America’s most extensive wireless networks and electrifying our country’s vehicle infrastructure. In his community, he volunteers as a basketball coach for his children, as a leader in the local Scouting program and has served on a team with his wife in their church’s pre-marriage program, helping guide engaged couples. He is also a proud Eagle Scout.
McDonough’s volunteer work in SAE started with his home chapter, serving Ohio Alpha in multiple alumni roles. In 2006, McDonough began an eleven-year period volunteering at the Province level, culminating with a term as Chairman of the Council of Province Archons. McDonough was elected to the Supreme Council in 2017 and most recently as Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon in 2023 at the St. Louis Convention. McDonough is the first Eminent Supreme Archon to hail from his home Chapter. He was proud to initiate his father, Ralph, in 2014. He has been recognized with the Order of the Lion and Minerva and the Merit Key in 2015.
McDonough resides in the Cleveland, OH area with his wife, their two children and their dogs.
As a founding father of the UC-Irvine chapter (California Psi), Johnson was elected to serve as its Eminent Deputy Archon, leading the colony’s development to its successful chartering. He remained involved as a young alumnus serving as a chapter advisor for his home chapter and neighboring UC-Riverside (California Omicron). Johnson also founded the Southern California Area Alumni Association and the Cal Psi Chapter Alumni Association.
In addition to serving as Alumni Association President for 12 years, he was elected as Province Chi-Alpha Deputy Archon and mentored all chapters in Southern California for seven years. He has been honored to serve the realm in numerous additional leadership roles as a faculty member of the John O. Moseley Leadership School and the Levere Leadership Institute; and as a member of the True Gentleman Task Force, the Eminent Supreme Recorder Search Committee, the Strategic Plan Committee, and most proudly as the Chairman of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee.
Johnson has been awarded the Order of the Lion, the Order of Minerva, and The Merit Key. He is the first African American National Board Member, elected to the Council as the Eminent Supreme Chronicler at the 163rd Anniversary Convention in Louisville, KY (2019). He currently serves as chair of the Equity, Inclusion & Diversity Committee and Liaison to the Governance Committee.
In addition to his service to the Fraternity, Johnson has created a legacy of community service in Southern California. He was elected to the Alvord Unified School District Board of Education to an unprecedented five consecutive terms, serving for a total of twenty-one years. In addition to his service as a school board member, he has also served in a variety of not-for-profit and professional leadership and service roles, including as a member of the Board of Directors for Big Brothers & Big Sisters, a member of the Riverside Community Health Foundation, a member of the board of directors for the Youth Service Center and Director of Homeless Outreach, and Vice-Chairman of both the Human Relations Committee and the City of Riverside Charter Review.
He currently resides in Riverside, California, with Stacy, his wife of 30 years. Together they have raised four daughters: Rebekah, Anastacia, Rachel, and Abigail.
Skaggs currently serves as the Secretary of the SAE Financial & Housing Corporation Board, is the Founder & President of the OKC/OKMU Alumni Association, and is a Vice-President of the OKMU House Corporation Board. Since becoming a member over 40 years ago, Jim has faithfully and consistently served the Fraternity. He previously served as the Province Archon and Deputy Archon of Province Sigma, a member of several national committees such as the Expansion Advisory and Health & Safety committees, faculty of the John O. Moseley, and Province Sigma Leadership Schools. He also had the honor of being the Marshall of the 2019 National Convention.
He has been awarded the Order of the Lion, Order of Minerva, and was honored with the Merit Key in 2013. As a member of the OKMU House Corporation Board, Skaggs created and ran a health & safety program about the dangers of alcohol use for the entire Greek community at Oklahoma State. Held on the chapter’s front lawn for 13 years, more than 23,000 OSU students attended this important program. Jim also founded and was the chapter advisor for the Oklahoma Sigma chapter at the University of Central Oklahoma. For his work there, he received an Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award in 2020.
Brother Skaggs founded and has successfully served as President of the Charter Financial Group, Inc. since 1994. His brokerage firm provides financial services to insurance professionals in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, and Colorado. Jim lives in Edmond, Ok. with his wife Sally, who shares his passion for SAE. She has received the Order of the Violet for her dedication to our fraternity. He has a daughter, Kelsey, from his previous marriage.
Brother Richey was initiated into the Pennsylvania Alpha-Zeta Chapter at Penn State University – Main Campus in the fall of 2005. He served as Eminent Archon for two terms and held a position on the University President’s Advisory Council at Penn State. As an undergraduate, he attended John O. Moseley Leadership School and the Quint Province Leadership School, and was selected by the Supreme Council for the inaugural class of SAE’s Inner Circle. He graduated with a B.A. in Communication Arts and Sciences from Penn State.
Since graduation, he has consistently continued his service to SAE. Served three terms as the Province Archon for the state of North Carolina (Province Omicron), as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Province Archons during the 2021-2023 biennium, and as President of the Raleigh Alumni Association. In 2021, Joe founded SAE Hunters & Anglers, an affinity group for alumni of SAE who are passionate about the great outdoors. At the time, it was the first alumni association of its kind and has quickly grown to nearly eight hundred members.
Over the years Joe has also served as a Chapter Advisor, Alumni Association Treasurer, Province Deputy Archon, and was a long-time member of the fraternity’s permanent committee on growth – the Expansion Advisory Committee (EAC) – having been appointed by three consecutive Eminent Supreme Archons. He has served numerous times as a faculty member at John O. Moseley Leadership School, DeVotie Ritual Academy, SAE Executives Academy, and several province leadership schools. In 2022, he and two fellow Province Archons established the Tri-Province Leadership School, a biennial event for the chapters in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The event took place in Spartanburg, SC and was attended by nearly one hundred undergraduates and alumni in its first year.
Professionally, Joe serves as Senior Program Manager of Strategy and Transformation at Red Hat, a wholly owned subsidiary of IBM, Inc. with $3.5B in annual revenue. He spends his time managing, directing, and supporting strategic initiatives across the Red Hat enterprise. In the decade prior to that, he worked in management consulting at IBM and later Accenture as Consulting Manager, supporting clients across multiple industries, markets, and geographies. During that time, Joe worked primarily on organizational strategy and transformation, communications, and change management.
Joe lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with his three year old son, Jay. He is active in his community as a member of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church and as a youth wrestling coach and official. He is a proud member and officer of his Masonic lodge, Hiram Lodge #40 in Raleigh, NC, founded in the year 1799. He is a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason and an active member of Shriners International, which supports the Shriners Children’s Hospitals.
Dr. Halcomb was initiated into the Kentucky Epsilon chapter at the University of Kentucky (UK) in 1970. He served as an Alumni Advisor for the Kentucky Epsilon Chapter and has served as a delegate to the National Convention. As an undergraduate, he served in various leadership roles, including Eminent Archon of his chapter.
Dr. Halcomb is CEO of Phoenix Initiãre, a private equity firm, and is a Limited Partner at Telegraph Hill Partners. He also serves on a number of advisory boards at UK. Dr. Halcomb served as a senior executive at Amgen, a global biotechnology company, and Zimmer, Inc., a leading orthopedic device company. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from UK and completed post-graduate training in Internal Medicine. He also holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from UK and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), respectively.
Dr. Halcomb was inducted into the UK Hall of Distinguished Alumni in 2020 and received the degree of Honorary Doctor of Engineering from UK in 2021. Joe and his wife, Joani, recently relocated to Franklin, TN. They have two daughters and eight grandchildren. Joe loves driving his restored 1957 Mercedes-Benz 190SL Roadster. He is also an avid drummer and plays a custom kit made of the burl wood of a 300-year-old poplar tree.
Dr. Halcomb joined the SAE Foundation Board of Trustees in October 2019 and served as the Chair of the Scholarship Commission. Dr. Halcomb joined the Supreme Council in 2023 as the Eminent Supreme Chronicler.